Gray Matters, September 2024

Welcome to the New School Year!

Happy end of summer! With the anticipation of the start of a new school year, I assume households are swirling with a mixture of emotions. Even as I prepare for my thirtieth year as an educator, I have the same bittersweet feelings that I have navigated throughout my career at the end of each summer.

I love summer… long days, warm weather, family vacations, swimming in the ocean. As much as I’ve enjoyed these wonderful moments in July and August, I’m also filled with excitement as we approach the start of the school year. I look forward to reconnecting with colleagues, adding more routine and structure to my days, and welcoming students back to class. While I’ll miss summer, I’m eager for the wonderful opportunities and inspiring moments that await us as we return to school on Tuesday.

As a professional community, we have been back on campus since August 22. Our opening days, a period we call JumpStart, is our time to prepare for the start of the new school year. Much of our days are spent finalizing schedules, coordinating calendars, and setting up classrooms. We also take advantage of the luxury of the time to more deeply engage in our work as educators.

This year we jumped into it with a morning facilitated by StoryCorps’ Director of Learning and Engagement, Emily Janssen. Using the StoryCorps model we interviewed each other and shared our personal reflections using prompts:

Tell me about your most memorable teacher.
Tell me about a time you felt proud to do what you do.
Tell me about a time when teaching made you feel hopeful.
Describe a moment you “failed” in the classroom and what you learned from that experience.
What are your hopes for this school year? For your students? Your school? For you?

The opportunity to listen to colleagues tell their stories was energizing and proved to be a wonderful way to launch our year. And, as I wrote earlier this summer, to also turn our reflective lens inward and begin a process of critically examining how we can continue striving to be the best version of ourselves.

We are now more than ready and super excited to welcome new and returning students on Tuesday. Here’s to another fantastic year!


Founders' Day | Saturday, January 11

Saturday, January 11, is our Seventh Annual Founders' Day. This year, Capitol Hill Day School will make trail mix for Martha's Table at home and deliver them to Farren's Stable on Saturday, January 11. When you drop off the items at Farren's Stable, please join us for coffee and hot chocolate while Guerilla Gardeners lead us in a river rocks painting project for the Sasha Bruce House. Click here for more information about the morning. We hope you'll join us!

Register for Founders' Day

*Capitol Hill Day School’s first day of school was the beginning of September, 1968. However, we celebrate Founders’ Day in January because our official date of incorporation is January 27, 1969. 

Heritage Roots Festival | Saturday, February 22

The Families in Partnership Association DEIB Committee invites you to join us in celebrating the rich diversity of our school community at the Heritage Roots Festival on February 22, 2025.

Cultural heritage includes the traditions, stories, and artifacts passed down through generations, preserving the essence of who we are for the future.

Would you like to share your family’s heritage or volunteer to support the event? Host a table at the festival! Simply complete this form by January 31 and join us for a virtual meeting on Tuesday, January 14 at 6:30 pm.

Festival Volunteer Form

We look forward to honoring the many cultures and stories that make our community so special!